DIY E-Liquid (E-Juice) Mixing Station!

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How To Make Your Own E-Liquid (E-Juice)

E-Liquid Recipes E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculators

Any information contained in this web site is acted on at the user's own risk! or Allen J. Bauguess cannot be held responsible for individuals causing injury or even death to themselves or others from the use, misuse or malfunction of the e-liquid (e-juice) calculators or information contained in this web site.

Terms Of Use

Before You Begin:

Some Definitions First:

PG - Propylene Glycol (Stronger Throat Hit)

VG - Vegetable Glycerin (Creates More Vapor)

Nicotine Liquid (Nicotine juice) - Comes in PG, VG, or a percentage of both PG and VG and in Different Strengths of Nicotine.

These are the main Ingredients in E-Liquid. Add Flavor, Maybe Distilled Water, Vodka, or PGA-(Pure Grain Alcohol) (Explained later) and you have E-liquid (E-Juice). You can use PG, VG or a mixture of both and you can make it without the nicotine if you want (Less Throat Hit).

The mg of nicotine is the amount of nicotine per ml. Don't Confuse % and mg, 100mg Nicotine Liquid equals 10% Nicotine. I recomend Purchasing no more than 100mg (10%) Nicotine Liquid anything Above That is Extremely Dangerous (Even 100mg Nicotine Liquid is Dangerous).

(mg = milligram)

(ml = milliliter)

Approximate Nicotine Levels to make your Recipe Target Nicotine Level. (I am not an expert on this). These are the Approximate Nicotine Levels that I have found most Pre-Mixed E-Liquids to be at. I started at 24mg and Gradually Lowered the Nicotine Level.

• 0mg to 10mg = Low

• 11mg to 16mg = Medium

• 17mg to 24mg = High

• 25mg to 36mg = Extra High

You Should Never Exceed 36mg (Dangerous, I Recommend 24mg or Less).

Amount of Flavor to Use:

With Most Flavors you will need Approximately 5% to 20% (EXCEPTION some Tobacco Flavors you only need 1% to 3%). When using more than one flavor this would be the total of all flavors combined.

I Recommend Starting with a Lower Percentage of flavor and adding more to suit your taste (Some flavors take a couple of days to develop - Steep time). I Recommend Making Small Amounts in till you get a flavor you like. You should save your recipes so you can make more when you come up with a good flavor.

Where to Buy Supplies

OK, Say you want to make 10ml of E-liquid with 18 mg of nicotine per ml, 50%PG 50%VG, with 10% Flavoring and you have Unflavored Nicotine Liquid that is 36mg 50%PG 50%VG.

You will need to mix (Put in Bottle and Shake Well).

• 1ml of your flavor (Assuming your flavor is 50%PG 50%VG, Most are 100%PG)

• 2ml of PG and 2ml of VG (Or 4ml of 50%PG 50%VG mixed Liquid)

• 5ml of 36mg 50%PG 50%VG Unflavored Nicotine Liquid.

1ml is 10% of 10ml (The Flavor), 2ml of PG and 2ml VG (To dilute the nicotine down to 18mg and keep the 50%PG 50%VG), The total of the Flavor, PG, and VG is 5ml. This diluted the 5ml of nicotine to half it's strength (From 36mg to 18mg).

Examples of mix above in E-Liquid Calculators:

Example in Simple E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator

Example in E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator with Ten Flavors

Example in E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator Ten Flavors plus PG/VG Percent Adjusting

I never add Water, Vodka, or PGA-(Pure Grain Alcohol). They can be used to dilute the E-Liquid (Make it Thinner), May be necessary if you are using 100% VG as it is very thick (Use approximately 1% to 5% Distilled Water, Vodka, or PGA), Alcohol will also give a Stronger Throat Hit.

This was a simple example for a more complex mix. The E-Liquid Calculators on this site are very useful for determining how much of each ingredient you need in your recipe. You can also Save your Recipes in the E-Liquid Calculators, By Book marking (Add to Favorites) the Calculator After you have Calculated your Recipe. Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes. (Users Public Recipes) Much more information on mixing e-liquid can be found in the e-cigarette forums. (Lots of Information Here ECF diy-e-liquid).

A Little on the Measuring Tools for Mixing:

• One ml (milliliter) = one cc (cubic centimeter) - They are equivalent.

I use 10ml Syringes with no needle for the Nicotine Liquid and PG/VG. I have a Different 1ml Syringe with a Needle, I use for each Flavor. I Labeled each Syringe with a Number and Assigned the Corresponding Number to each Flavor. I store the Syringes with the Needle Cap on and put them all in a Tupperware Container.

You can use Drops for Measuring your Flavors, But if you do you should Count How Many Drops from your Dropper Equals 1ml for Each Ingredient and Set that Number in the E-Liquid Calculator, As all Droppers are Different and the Viscosity of the Liquid makes a difference.

I use 5ml, 10ml, and 30ml Plastic Bottles with Dropper Tips to Mix In.

There are many ways to get the job done, Find what works best for you. Hopefully this helped! Check Out the E-Cig Forums for more Information and Ideas.

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 • Allen J. Bauguess • • All rights reserved.
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DIY (Do It Yourself) E-Liquid (E-Juice) Mixing Calculators

How To Make Your Own E-Liquid

Any information contained in this web site is acted on at the user's own risk! or Allen J. Bauguess cannot be held responsible for individuals causing injury or even death to themselves or others from the use, misuse or malfunction of the e-liquid (e-juice) calculators or information contained in this web site.

Terms Of Use

Before You Begin:

Simple E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator

This is your Basic Simple E-Liquid Calculator, If you are New to E-liquid Calculators this is a good place to start.

It allows you to enter your Unflavored Nicotine Liquid (Base Nicotine) Nicotine Level, Your Target Nicotine Level (The Nicotine Level you want your Mixed E-liquid to Have), The Amount of E-Liquid you want to Make, The Percentage of Diluting Liquid you want (Water/Vodka/PGA), And the Percentage of Flavor you want. Click Calculate and you have your E-Liquid Recipe.

If it's not possible to reach your Target Nicotine Level, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible Nicotine Level.

It Does Not Allow for PG/VG percent Adjusting and will give you One PG/VG Amount to put in your Recipe.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator - Ten Flavors

This E-Liquid Calculator is Like the (Simple E-Liquid Calculator) Above. It however Allows for the use of up to Ten Flavors.

If it's not possible to reach your Target Nicotine Level, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible Nicotine Level.

It Does Not Allow for PG/VG percent Adjusting and will give you One PG/VG Amount to put in your Recipe.

It has an Optional Cost Calculator that can be used to Figure the Cost to make your E-Liquid. Just Enter the Purchase Price and Milliliters for each Ingredient in your E-Liquid Recipe.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

E-Liquid Recipe Mixing Calculator - Ten Flavors Plus PG/VG Adjusting

This E-Liquid Calculator is Like the (E-Liquid Calculator with Ten Flavors) Above. It however Allows for PG/VG Percent Adjusting. It Allows you to enter your Base Nicotine PG/VG Percent, Target PG/VG Percent, Flavors PG/VG Percent, And will give you a separate PG and VG amount to put in your Recipe.

If it's not possible to reach your Target Nicotine Level, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible Nicotine Level.

If it's not possible to reach your Target PG/VG Percentage, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible PG/VG Percentage, Keeping the Nicotine Level.

It has an Optional Cost Calculator that can be used to Figure the Cost to make your E-Liquid. Just Enter the Purchase Price and Milliliters for each Ingredient in your E-Liquid Recipe.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

E-Liquid Recipe Calculator - Ten Flavors (Allows Flavors With Nicotine) (Allows Use Of Pre-Mixed Flavors)

This E-Liquid Calculator is Like the (E-Liquid Calculator with Ten Flavors) Above. It however Allows you to use Flavors with nicotine (Pre-Mixed). Just enter the Percent you want to use and the Nicotine Level of each E-Liquid (Flavor). The Calculator will figure out how much Nicotine they are putting in your E-Liquid Recipe, Then it will add enough more of your Base Nicotine and/or PG/VG to bring it to your Target Nicotine Level.

If it's not possible to reach your Target Nicotine Level, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible Nicotine Level.

It Does Not Allow for PG/VG percent Adjusting and will give you One PG/VG Amount to put in your Recipe.

It has an Optional Cost Calculator that can be used to Figure the Cost to make your E-Liquid. Just Enter the Purchase Price and Milliliters for each Ingredient in your E-Liquid Recipe.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

E-Liquid Recipe Calculator - Ten Flavors (Allows Flavors With Nicotine) Plus PG/VG Adjusting (Allows Use Of Pre-Mixed Flavors)

This E-Liquid Calculator is Like the (E-Liquid Calculator with Ten Flavors Plus PG/VG Adjusting) Above. It however Allows you to use Flavors with nicotine (Pre-Mixed). Just enter the Percent you want to use and the Nicotine Level of each E-Liquid (Flavor). The Calculator will figure out how much Nicotine they are putting in your E-Liquid Recipe, Then it will add enough more of your Base Nicotine and/or PG/VG to bring it to your Target Nicotine Level.

If it's not possible to reach your Target Nicotine Level, The Calculator will give you a Recipe for the Closest Possible Nicotine Level.

It Allows for PG/VG percent Adjusting and will give you a separate PG and VG amount to put in your Recipe.

It has an Optional Cost Calculator that can be used to Figure the Cost to make your E-Liquid. Just Enter the Purchase Price and Milliliters for each Ingredient in your E-Liquid Recipe.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

E-Liquid Combining Calculator - by Milliliters (Bottle Size) (Great For Combining Pre Mixed E-Liquids or Unflavored Nicotine Liquids)

With This E-Liquid Calculator you can Combine up to Ten E-Liquids by Milliliters (Bottle Size)

It Allows You to Enter the Milliliters, The Nicotine Level and the PG/VG percent for Each E-Liquid. Click Calculate and it will give you the Total Milliliters, The New Nicotine Level and the New PG/VG percent of your Combined E-Liquids

It has an Optional Cost Calculator that can be used to Figure the Cost of your Combined E-Liquids. Just Enter the Purchase Price and Milliliters for each E-Liquid.

To Save your Recipe. Enter a Name for your Recipe and Bookmark the Page after Calculating your Recipe (The Name you give it in the Calculator will become the Bookmark Name). Also you can get a Free Web Page with all Your Recipes on it. Public, Private and Deleted recipes plus Update Recipes.

Copyright © 2010 - 2025 • Allen J. Bauguess • • All rights reserved.
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